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Tropipay API class

Class: Tropipay


constructor(config: TropipayConfig)

Creates an instance of the Tropipay class with the provided configuration.

  • config: Configuration object containing clientId, clientSecret, and optional serverMode (defaults to “Development”).


  • clientId: string: Tropipay client ID.
  • clientSecret: string: Tropipay client secret.
  • request: Axios: Axios instance for making API requests.
  • accessToken: string | undefined: Access token for authorization.
  • refreshToken: string | undefined: Refresh token for token renewal.
  • serverMode: ServerMode: Server mode, either “Development” or “Production”.
  • hooks: TropipayHooks: Instance of TropipayHooks for handling hooks.
  • paymentCards: PaymentCard: Instance of PaymentCard for managing payment cards.
  • depositAccounts: DepositAccounts: Instance of DepositAccounts for handling deposit accounts.


login(): Promise<LoginResponse>

Performs authentication to obtain access and refresh tokens.

getDepositAccounts(): Promise<AccountDeposits[] | Error>

Retrieves a list of all deposit accounts associated with the Tropipay account.

  • Returns a promise with an array of AccountDeposits or an error.

countries(): Promise<Country[]>

Retrieves the list of all supported countries by Tropipay.

  • Returns a promise with an array of Country objects.

getBalance(): Promise<AccountBalance>

Retrieves the user’s balance information.

  • Returns a promise with an object containing balance, pendingIn, and pendingOut properties.

destinations(): Promise<Country[]>

Retrieves the list of all destination countries supported by Tropipay.

  • Returns a promise with an array of Country objects.

favorites(): Promise<any[]>

Retrieves a list of all favorite payment links.

  • Returns a promise with an array of payment link details.

movements(offset?: number, limit?: number): Promise<any>

Retrieves a list of all account movements, with optional pagination parameters.

  • offset: Offset for pagination (default: 0).
  • limit: Limit for pagination (default: 10).
  • Returns a promise with an array of account movements.

profile(): Promise<any>

Retrieves profile data for the current Tropipay account.

  • Returns a promise with account profile data.

rates(originCurrency: string, targetCurrency?: string): Promise<number | Error>

Retrieves the current Tropipay conversion rate.

  • originCurrency: Currency code for the origin currency.
  • targetCurrency: Target currency code (default: “EUR”).
  • Returns a promise with the conversion rate or an error.

Creates an escrow payment link for business accounts.

  • config: Payload with payment details.
  • Returns a promise with the created PaymentLink.

Class: ClientSideUtils

constructor(tropipayInstance: Tropipay)

Creates an instance of ClientSideUtils for client-side utilities. (Not implemented yet)

Further reading