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Install the SDK using your favorite package manager

npm install @yosle/tropipayjs

Initialize the Tropipay class

You can instantiate the Tropipay class passing the client_Id, client_secret, scopes and optionally the serverMode parameter, if no serverMode is provided, Development will be used as default. Make sure you use the test environment credentials when serverMode is on Development.

// test environment server
const config = {
clientId: process.env.TROPIPAY_CLIENT_ID,
clientSecret: process.env.TROPIPAY_CLIENT_SECRET,
scopes: [
serverMode: "Development", // it will be used as default if omited
const tpp = new Tropipay(config);

Using Production environment:

//real account credentials
const config = {
clientId: process.env.TROPIPAY_CLIENT_ID,
clientSecret: process.env.TROPIPAY_CLIENT_SECRET,
// Optionally you can request wich scopes of the credential are you gonna use.
// this should be a subset of the scopes marked for this credential.
// trying to use a scope that is not set for the credential will throw error
// on authentication. Note: if no scopes array is passed ALL scopes are requested!
serverMode: "Production", //live account
const tpp = new Tropipay(config);