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ServerSideUtils class


The ServerSideUtils class in Tropipay SDK library offers a range of utility methods tailored for server-side operations, from verifying signatures to handling image data.

import { ServerSideUtils } from "@yosle/tropipayjs";
const { ServerSideUtils } require('@yosle/tropipayjs');

You can optionally also destructure the methods inside ServerSideUtils

const { fileToBase64, isValidImage, getBase64FromFileUrl } = ServerSideUtils;



Verifies Tropipay’s signature on webhooks.

  • Parameters:

    • credentials: Credential object or Tropipay instance
    • originalCurrencyAmount: Original currency amount
    • bankOrderCode: Bank order code
    • signature: Signature to verify


Checks if the provided base64 string represents a square image.

  • Parameters:
    • base64String: Base64 string of the image


Takes a local file path and returns a base64 representation of the file content.

  • Parameters:
    • filepath: Path of the file to be converted to base64


Gets the base64 representation of a remote file from the given URL.

  • Parameters:
    • url: URL of the file


Checks if the base64 string represents a valid image and has a valid size.

  • Parameters:

    • base64Image: Base64 image to be validated