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Paymentcard class


The PaymentCard class is part of the Tropipay API library and provides functionalities related to payment cards.

Class: PaymentCard


constructor(tropipayInstance: Tropipay)

Creates an instance of the PaymentCard class, associated with a Tropipay instance.

  • tropipayInstance: An instance of the Tropipay class.


Creates a payment link with the specified options.

  • payload: PaymentLinkPayload object.
  • Returns a promise with a PaymentLink or throws an exception.
  • API Documentation

list(): Promise<any>

Shows a list of stored payment cards created by the user. This list includes active and closed pay links.

  • Returns an array of payment links.
  • Throws an error if the payment card list cannot be retrieved.

get(id: string): Promise<any>

Retrieves information about a specific payment card.

  • id: ID of the payment card.
  • Returns information about the specified payment card.
  • Throws an error if the payment card information cannot be retrieved.